Lesson Plan
Thank you for your assistance in helping students to develop their futures! On the following pages you will see prepared lesson plans. It is very important that all students have completed the assessment on Missouri Connections prior to attending the event and have identified a Career Path and a corresponding color.
The 4-day (including day of event) lesson is planned in conjunction with the communication arts grade level expectations for Grade 10. The lesson can be conducted by either the guidance counselor or a classroom teacher. Two days are spent prior to attendance at My Success Event. Day 1 requires access to the Internet. Day 2 is a classroom day. Day 3 is the experience at My Success Event. Day 4 is a follow-up to the Event.
SEE INFORMATION ABOUT ACCESSING THE MISSOURI CONNECTIONS ASSESSMENT ON THE MY SUCCESS EVENT WEBSITE – Upon receipt of this information, please make sure your school has the username and password to provide access. If not, contact Charlene Piel at cpiel@nwmissouri.edu.
Download The Lesson Plan